Expert advice

Did you choose wooden windows from available types of windows? Congratulations! That means that the quality, eco-friendliness and longevity are definitely important for you. Then we advise you how to discover what you are looking for. We promise that you will not only learn to separate wheat from chaff when the offer is so huge but also save a lot of nerves and money.

What shows the quality of windows?


My neighbour said that I would find it only in winter? That’s true, if we return 50 years to the past. Modern technology enables the quality of a wooden window to be ensured and checked even before the product is delivered to the customer. So, if you want to enjoy a durable purchase, make sure your wooden windows meet the basic quality criteria. What should you pay attention to?


  • Wood: Is it extra protected and does the protective film have a thickness of at least 80 microns?
  • Surface: Is it perfectly smooth and without the slightest bumps?
  • Finishing: Is everything equal and without leaks and gaps?
  • Sealing media: They determine thermal insulation properties of a window so they must be perfect.
  • Silicone seams: It depends on them how well the glass packet is internally fitted. Seams must be properly selected to prevent damage of image aesthetics due to their excessive size and too small seams will disbalance a glass package when opening a window.
  • Wood screws: Are they of a high-quality and not lower than coverage class A2K? Such wood screws will protect from corrosion, if exposed to moisture.
  • Glass packages: Is the glass in its place, not scratched, transparent and free of defects? Is its thickness even?
  • Functionality: Can you smoothly open the window and change the type of opening.

Why do wooden windows need a project?


Even if new windows are just one of a million issues in your head when engaging into construction, pay attention to the design of the windows and you will not regret it. Professional window manufacturers always provide enough time and resources to prepare a project, as it is a signpost for manufacturers who will carry out your project in accordance with the technical requirements. Therefore, try to explain your expectations on the project as clearly as possible and listen to the expert advice. This will prevent the manufacturers' amateur activities and you will be able to enjoy high-quality windows for several years.

Why does a wooden window manufacturer have to follow a project?


If your window manufacturer claims that one or another deviation from the project is not the end of the world, you should rather say goodbye to him as soon as possible, if you do not want to say goodbye to a huge sum of money for heating in winter. Indeed, a professional window manufacturer will coordinate with you all the proposed adjustments and create the exact product you have ordered. How to make sure your order has been properly fulfilled? Take note of the following things:

  • • Colour: Is it really the kind you ordered? When looking at the finished product, have a colour palette where a desired shade was pre-selected.
  • • Package: Are all even the smallest parts in place? Is everything tight properly and nothing makes strange sounds?
  • • Glass packages and fillings: Are there glass packages just as many as you ordered? Do the fillers fit accordingly?

Why should you not save on wooden window installation?


When you buy quality windows, do not give in to the temptation to save for their installation. To order windows corresponding to class A+ or A++ and then install them incorrectly is the same as to fill a new luxury car with the cheapest fuel. Correct window installation will result not only in whether it will meet the desired energy class but also whether it will serve as long as you wish. So, for your own benefit, entrust installation of windows to the professionals.

How to care for wooden windows?


Care for wooden windows is easier than you think. This is one of the most easily maintained products. A lot of cheap agents available at most supermarkets can be used for it. If you want to protect windows against environmental exposure, just renovate the frames every 5 to 7 years - repaint or varnish.